Thursday, November 03, 2005



Hurricanes, nuclear attacks, dirty bombs, terrorist attacks, pandemics – unless you live in denial you must fear the potential impact on your family and your business. Are you waiting for the Government to protect you? It is your choice. Wait passively or act constructively.

I am a survivor and I know the secret of survival. The best chance of survival goes to those who can adjust to circumstances as water adjusts to the vessel it is poured in. The concept of SURVIVAL RANCHES offers you an immediate practical solution to provide you with peace of mind and with the best protection 21st Century technology can provide.

We can provide you with self contained underground disaster shelters to protect you during and after tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, power failures, pandemics, nuclear plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorist attacks, and protracted nuclear-chemical or biological war.

Your totally concealed shelter will be located on rural property of your selection at a driving distance selected by you. Depending on the size of the property and peacetime amenities desired, the cost starts from $10,000 per long-term adult shelteree, but for short term it would provide shelter for twice as many people. Sizes range from 6 adults to 25 adults. We also offer a 200 adult condominium or corporate shelter for protracted protection. Most installations can be completed with speed and the secrecy necessary.

These SURVIVAL RANCHES can provide peacetime recreation destinations for your extended family, your business associates and their families and long-term survival capabilities when needed.

T.W. TIBBY WESTON November 1, 2005


The difference between fear and peace of mind is information.

The difference between tragedy and survival is preparation.

We offer the solution:
Information+Preparation must be followed by

Those in denial, who claim that preparation is not important, or that another terrorist attack or hurricane is unlikely, will be the most traumatized, disorientated, scared and confused people during and immediately following a disaster.

Therefore, the unprepared are at a much higher risk of being harmed or killed during a hurricane or a biological, chemical or nuclear attack.

They also add to the disorder and chaos and hinder the emergency response teams’ effectiveness during this critical time, which affects everyone, even those who are prepared.

It is your choice.
Wait passively or act constructively.

November 1, 2005
NOTICE: This communication does not obligate us to perform any duty to provide the property or shelters. We do not guarantee the availability until and unless a binding contract is entered into. Supplies are limited. Time is of the essence.


During emergencies intruders may attempt to enter shelter.
The property should be secluded either by natural elements,
(trees, shrubs, terrain) or by distance to the property lines due to size. Construction of a privacy or security fence may also be considered.

During emergency conditions major access roads may be blocked. Access by secondary paved or gravel roads must be considered.

Time necessary to reach the shelter depends on the distance from your point of origin. Since the shelter protects against all hazards it may be located in an area accessible by contra-flow traffic unimpeded by evacuation traffic.

The hatch level must be above the 100-300 year flood plain level.
Shelter entrances should not be located below sea level.

The footprints of the shelters are small except for the EC group of condominium projects.

If the property is used for shelter only, it can be located on raw land. Electric power availability is optional. If the shelter is to be used as an EMP proof electronic data storage facility then access capability must be constructed.
If the property is to be used for peacetime destination purposes (ranch, farm, hunting fishing lodge or cabin, etc.) such criteria should be the determining factor in the selection.


None of the shelters require attachment to power, water or sewer lines. The P Group of shelters are portable. It is better to build shelters on less regulated real estate in rural areas because most jurisdictions had no experience with the shelter concept.


These features are common to all shelters. Larger shelters provide additional security features.

Resistant to fire 1,700oF. Impervious to cutting torch.

Bullet resistant to 90% of all bullet types. (See chart)

Produces little or no thermal, metallic or radar signature.

Resists 350MPH wind velocity and 8.5 on the Richter scale.

Intruder Assault resistant. (See chart)

Radiation shielding reduces acute radiation dose to less than a mammography x-ray. (See chart)

Severe weapons grade HEPA air filtering.

Constant oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity and temperature.

Sealed shelter atmosphere in the event of firestorm or flooding depending on shelter type, number of shelterees. (See chart)

Battery power loss is 1.5% per month. Connected to solar panel no loss is incurred.
Can be recharged by connecting to car alternator.

Various communication capabilities. (Scanners, CB, HAM, video.)



(If you already own the property where the shelter is to be located you should skip this section and continue in Section II.)

I would like to find property matching this criteria:

Driving Distance: (minutes) 15 30 60 90+
Access by evacuation route [ ] Access by counterflow route [ ]

Property size: (acres) 5 15 30 60 90 Any

Type of Property: Raw Land [ ] Farm use [ ] Ranch use [ ] Hunting [ ]
Additional features: Pond [ ] Lake [ ] Creek [ ] Windmill [ ] ____________

Improved Property: Cabin [ ] Basic House [ ] Recreational House [ ]

Frontage road: Highway [ ] Paved Road [ ] Gravel Road [ ]


Shelterees for 30 day period: (adults) 6 10 25 100 200-400

Personal use [ ] Condominium use [ ] Corporate/business [ ] Other [ ]
(Short terms usage for twice as many persons than for prolonged term.)

Additional facilities: garage [ ], storage [ ] large animal shelter [ ]

Special requirements: Disabled access [ ] Pet area [ ] Electronic Data Storage [ ]

The shelters function for 30 days on the battery bank without recharge;
indefinitely with solar panels;
60-90 days with Self-Contained Underground Power Plants.(S.C.U.P.P)



___________________________________ ____________________________

Send by fax to 979 249-5469 or by E-Mail to

The SP6NBC Storm Shelter, Bomb Shelter and Fallout Shelter for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Storm Protection is used as a:

* disaster shelter
* bomb shelter
* underground shelter
* underground home
* nuclear shelter
* fallout shelter
* biological shelter
* chemical shelter
* survival shelter
∑ storm shelter

SP6 Shelter Features

* Completely self-contained
* Structural fiberglass paraboloid
* Air filtration system
* Toilet, shower and septic system
* Battery operated
* Self-contained, fully assembled
* Communications system
∑ Lighting

Occupants use the shelter as:

* chemical weapon protection
* chemical warfare protection
* chemical terrorism protection
* biologial weapon protection
* biological warfare protection
* biological weapon defense
* biological terrorism protection
* bioterrorism protection
* nuclear weapon protection
* nuclear warfare protection
* nuclear terrorism protection
* dirty bomb protection
* nuclear accident protection
* power failure protection
* forest fire protection
* earthquake protection

Six adults for long period and 10 people for short duration.
PRICE: Military Model including solar option $32,800
Installed in one day.
Cost per occupant $5,500


The P6 Disaster Shelter, Bomb Shelter and Underground Shelter for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection
The P6 Disaster Shelter is used as a:

* disaster shelter
* bomb shelter
* underground shelter
* underground home
* nuclear shelter
* fallout shelter
* biological shelter
* chemical shelter
* survival shelter
* storm shelter
Occupants use the shelter as:
* chemical weapon protection
* chemical warfare protection
* chemical terrorism protection
* biologial weapon protection
* biological warfare protection
* biological weapon defense
* biological terrorism protection
* bioterrorism protection
* nuclear weapon protection
* nuclear warfare protection
* nuclear terrorism protection
* dirty bomb protection
* nuclear power plant accident protection
* power failures protection
* forest firest protection
* earthquake protection

The P6 was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war. The P6 is a totally self-contained underground disaster shelter designed to protect 6 adults for long periods or 10 people for short durations such as during tornadoes.

PRICE: Standard Military Model including Solar Option $67,000
Cost per occupant $6,700
S.CU.P. 225 generator option $8,700
Optional Battery Bank $6,100

The P10 Disaster Shelter, Bomb Shelter and Underground Shelter for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection
The P10 Disaster Shelter is used as a:

* disaster shelter
* bomb shelter (bombshelter)
* underground shelter
* underground home
* nuclear shelter
* fallout shelter
* biological shelter
* chemical shelter
* survival shelter
* storm shelter

Occupants use the shelter as:

* chemical weapon protection
* chemical warfare protection
* chemical terrorism protection

* biologial weapon protection
* biological warfare protection
* biological weapon defense
* biological terrorism protection
* bioterrorism protection
* nuclear weapon protection
* nuclear warfare protection
* nuclear terrorism protection
* dirty bomb protection
* nuclear power plant accident protection
* power failures protection
* forest firest protection
* earthquake protection

The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war designed to protect up to 10 people for long periods or 20 people for short durations such as during tornadoes.

PRICE: Standard Military Model installed including Solar Option $85,000.
Cost per occupant $8,500.
S.C.U.P.P. 225 generator option $8,700-$12,700;
Optional battery banks $6,100-$7,600

CAT 25

The CAT25 Shelter is used for protection from:

* tornadoes
* nuclear weapons
* chemical weapons/accidents
* nuclear power plant accidents
* nuclear/chemical terrorism
* power plant failures
* forest fires and famines

Completely Self-Contained:

* structural fiberglass elliptical container
* air filtration system
* toilet, shower and septic system
* battery operated
* decontamination
* communications system
* lighting

Occupants use the shelter as:

* chemical weapon protection
* chemical warfare protection
* chemical terrorism protection
* biologial weapon protection
* biological warfare protection
* biological weapon defense
* biological terrorism protection
* bioterrorism protection
* nuclear weapon protection
* nuclear warfare protection
* nuclear terrorism protection
* dirty bomb protection
* nuclear power plant accident protection
* power failures protection
* forest firest protection
* earthquake protection

PRICE CAT 25 Military Shelter VE (vertical entrance) $225,400
CAT 25 Military Shelter SE (sloped entrance) $246,600
Solar charging option $950.
S.C.U.P.P. 225 generator option $8,700-$12,700;
S.C.U.P.P. 400 generator option $21,660
Optional battery banks $6,100-$7,600
Occupancy 25 long term, 50 short term.
Cost per occupant $10,000-$11,500.

The Earthcom Prototype
Disaster Shelter, Bomb Shelter and Underground Shelter for Terrorism, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection

EC 22-32 for 12/24 occupants,installed in 1 month. Price $205,000 or $17,000/occupant

EC 32-40 for 25/50 occupants,installed in 6 weeks. Price $380,000 or $15,200/occupant

EC 70-128 for 200/400 occupants,installed in 3 months. Price $2,700,000 or $13,500/

EC 150-304 for 400/1000 occupants, inst. in 3 months. Price $4,000,000 Shelter only
$8,000,000 Completed

Completely Self-Contained

* Structural Fiberglass Double Elliptical Arch
* Air Filtration System
* Toilet, Shower, Septic System
* Diesel Generator/Tank
* Decontamination
* Communications System
* Lighting

Long-Term Protection from

* Tornadoes and Hurricanes
* Nuclear Weapons
* Chemical Weapons/Accidents
* Nuclear Plant Accidents
* Nuclear/Chemical Terrorism
* Power Plant Failures
* Forest Fires and Famines
* Pandemics

EARTHCOM 150-304

The design resembles an underground stadium and protects occupants from hurricanes, tornadoes, firestorms, storm surges, severe NuclearBiologicalChemical weapons and seismic shock.
A three-level shelter with 100 apartments 600-800 sq. ft. each.
All units have running water, washer/dryer, lighting, etc.
Total square footage 93,024.
Footprint 300’x700’. Requires 5+ acres of land.*
Capacity adults 400 long term-1000 temporary.
Ceiling height 10’. Center isle 46’.
Independent Life Support Duration 90 days.
Sealed shelter atmosphere 500 adults - 15 hours
Septic Tank 10,000 gallon external fiberglass paraboloid.
Water supply 10,000 gallon internal stainless tank.
Diesel tank 10,000 gallon stainless.
Entrance size 18’ wide x 14’ high.**
Fire resistance 1 hour at 1,700 F. mechanical.
Installation time 3 months.
The shelter is not connected to outside sources of electricity, water, sewer or phone
Space for optional EMP protected electronic data storage.
Further specifications, design plans and options available.

PRICE including 12’ full basement $8,000,000 not including land.
Cost per shelteree $8,000 to $20,000 depending on density of occupancy.

*It is recommended that the property include peacetime amenities and participating shelterees use the property for recreation purposes while staying at the shelter.
** Dual entrance doors vacuum sealed. Outside concrete door electric actuated.



The shelter costs quoted are based on current availability of the shelters and are further influenced by the number of options available exceeding the quality of Military Models.


Current schedules indicate a 6 months delivery. Most shelters can be installed before the 2006 hurricane season. Due to the factory’s limited production capacity the offers contained is this brochure may be modified or withdrawn without notice.


We do not offer financing on the P units at this time. Negotiations are pending with lenders to finance land plus shelter acquisitions.

The EC condominium units can be financed in a manner similar to any real estate development.


Secrecy demanded by present owners prevents us from showing actual shelters. A New Orleans customer has spent 32 days in his shelter with his family and two friends. Shelters can be inspected at the manufacturing plant. Over 500 shelters have been installed for government, military and private users.


WESTON RESEARCH LLC is a NATIONAL DISTRIBUTOR of survival shelters and other survival products designed and fabricated by Radius Engineering Inc.
All prices are factory prices.
T.W.WESTON of WESTON REALTY is a licensed real estate broker in Texas. Phone 979-249-5468;;


Material presented in this brochure contains proprietary and privileged information. All other use is prohibited.
Copyright November 1,2005 by WESTON RESEARCH LLC

Radius Engineering Products

The SP6
is a totally self-contained 15 psi ribbed paraboloid (egg shape) underground disaster shelter designed to protect 6 adults for 2.5 to 14 days or 10 people for short durations such as during tornadoes. The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, radioactive iodine gas from a nuclear power plant accident, and biological-chemical terrorism warfare. The SP6 is classified as tornado or storm shelter and the SP6-NBC is classified as an NBC (nuclear-biological-chemical warfare) shelter. A tremendous effort has been made to think of every conceivable incident that shelterists could face in the SP6 shelter.

The P6 is a totally self-contained 20-150 psi ribbed paraboloid (egg shape) underground disaster shelter designed to protect 6 adults for long periods or 10 people for short durations such as during tornadoes. The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war.

The P10 is a totally self-contained 40-150 psi ribbed paraboloid (egg shape) underground disaster shelter designed to protect up to 10 people for long periods or 20 people for short durations such as during tornadoes. The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war.

The CAT25
is a totally self-contained 40-150 psi elliptical caterpillar barrel underground disaster shelter designed to protect 25 adults for long periods or 40 people for short durations such as during tornadoes. The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war. A tremendous effort has been made to think of every conceivable incident that shelterists could face in the CAT25 shelter. Many geometrical shapes were experimented with before finalizing the CAT25. The CAT25 includes the fiberglass toroidal structure, fiberglass entranceway, fiberglass/composite hatch, HEPA filter, two 90 gallon fiberglass septic tanks, 3000 gallon fiberglass water tank, cedar flooring, fiberglass counter, fiberglass shower walls, fiberglass battery housings, aluminum carbon filter housing, two toilets, thirty 12- volt deep cycle batteries, air blower, gray water tanks, all wiring, all plumbing, etc. The CAT25 requires approximately 2 man-hours hours to connect the entranceway.

The S.C.U.P.P. 225
is a completely self-contained fiberglass electric power generation plant designed to provide life support for underground shelters and backup power for other uses. The S.C.U.P.P. 225 is composed of a double wall 225-gallon fuel tank and generator. Unlike conventional electric generating plants, everything is all below ground and designed to work in severe climates and disaster conditions. The hatch dome and generator access cover are aerodynamically designed to resist flying debris in up to 300-mph winds from a tornado or hurricane. In addition, it can withstand an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale with no damage and can survive 5-psi negative pressure from a tornado and 20-psi overpressure from modern weapon detonations. The S.C.U.P.P. 225 is supplied with 225-gallon double wall fuel tank and a 4000 to 10,000-watt diesel generator. The S.C.U.P.P. 225 is shipped completely assembled and can be installed in one day.

The S.C.U.P.P. 400
is a completely self-contained fiberglass electric power generation plant designed to provide life support for underground shelters and backup power for other uses. The S.C.U.P.P. 400 is composed of a double wall 400-gallon fuel tank and generator. Unlike conventional electric generating plants, everything is all below ground and designed to work in severe climates and disaster conditions. The hatch dome and generator access cover are aerodynamically designed to resist flying debris in up to 300-mph winds from a tornado or hurricane. In addition, it can withstand an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale with no damage and can survive 5-psi negative pressure from a tornado and 20-psi overpressure from modern weapon detonations. The S.C.U.P.P. 400 is supplied with 400-gallon double wall fuel tank and an 8000-watt diesel generator. The S.C.U.P.P. 400 is shipped completely assembled and can be installed in one day. The S.C.U.P.P. 400 is started manually or electrically by removing the access cover and climbing down an aluminum ladder into the engine compartment.

The NBC Lifecell is a self-contained life support system that makes one room of a house safe to live in for nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare environments. The NBC Lifecell is designed to pump fresh filtered air into one room, pressurizing the room, and filtering out pollen, nuclear warfare agents, biological warfare agents, and chemical warfare agents for a 10 day period. The unit is about the same size as a coffee table and fits into almost any room. Windows and doors should be sealed for normal weatherization. The customer should purchase a chemical toilet and water tanks for a complete package to function in the absence of electricity. The NBC Lifecell is usually placed in the largest room in the house with not more than 300 square feet.

The Earthcom 18
is designed to be used as a disaster resistant single car garage or storage shed to protect critical supplies. It is not an underground structure so there is no hydrostatic pressure developed. The structure is composed of multiple semi-circular structural fiberglass elliptically shaped corrugated beams. Each beam is designed to hold 10-14 inches of earth plus a 120 lb/ft(2) snow load. Each 90-degree arch weighs approximately 200 lbs. and is bolted at the top center with 1⁄2 inch stainless steel machine bolts. The structural fiberglass elliptical profile rotated on a 108 inch radius results in an exceptionally strong and resilient structure. The end walls are framed using conventional stud framing. The earth berm can be seeded with grass or various wild seeds which can be purchased locally.

The Earthcom 32-40
is a totally self-contained 15 psi elliptical arch condominium disaster shelter designed to protect up to 25 adults for long periods or 50 people for short durations such as during tornadoes. The arches must be assembled on site by local contractors. The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war. A tremendous effort has been made to think of every conceivable incident that shelterists could face in all types of disasters. Many geometrical shapes were experimented with before finalizing the EC 32-40. The EC 32-40 includes the fiberglass arches, entranceway, emergency escape, life support system, HEPA filters, carbon filters, a 2500 gallon fiberglass leaching septic tanks, one 1000 gallon spherical fiberglass diesel fuel tank, one 6.8 KW prime power slow speed diesel generator/battery bank and inverter, water filtration system, plans, etc. With the EC 32-40’s “state of the art” technology and long-term self-contained independence, it qualifies as a T.H.E.T.A. (Total Human Environment for Terrestrial Attach) underground shelter.

The Earthcom 70-128
is a totally self-contained 15 psi elliptical arch condominium disaster shelter designed to protect up to 25 adults for long periods or 50 people for short durations such as during tornadoes. The arches must be assembled on site by local contractors. The product was specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, forest fires, power failures, nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear/chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war. A tremendous effort has been made to think of every conceivable incident that shelterists could face in all types of disasters. Many geometrical shapes were experimented with before finalizing the EC 70-128. The EC 70-128 includes the fiberglass arches, entranceway, emergency escape, life support system, HEPA filters, carbon filters, a 2500 gallon fiberglass leaching septic tanks, one 1000 gallon spherical fiberglass diesel fuel tank, one 6.8 KW prime power slow speed diesel generator/battery bank and inverter, water filtration system, plans, etc. With the EC 70-128’s “state of the art” technology and long-term self-contained independence, it qualifies as a T.H.E.T.A. (Total Human Environment for Terrestrial Attach) underground shelter.

The Nuclear Threat
Who Needs A Shelter Anyway?

Walton McCarthy

Dismantled nuclear weapons in combination with displaced nuclear weapons experts from the former Soviet Union have formed a combination making nuclear weapons available to terrorists who are able to pay. The reduction of the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. and Russia and the threat of a massive nuclear confrontation is creating even stronger more dispersed enemies, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Algeria or North Korea. The CIA estimates that over 20 countries will have long-range ballistic missile capability by the year 2000.

The fact is that neither S.T.A.R.T. (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) nor the Washington agreements requires the United States or Russia to destroy their nuclear warheads, just disassemble the warhead whole or store the various parts in a warehouse. When nuclear warheads are dismantled, tons of plutonium and high-enriched uranium (HEU) are placed into circulation; thus the emergence of the "Nuclear Black Market".

How much HEU and plutonium would be required to make a small atomic bomb? It takes only 15 kg (33 lbs) of HEU and 6 kg (13 lbs) of plutonium to make a small atomic bomb. In terms of volume, 15 kg is a little larger than a softball of HEU, and 6 kg (13 lbs) is approximately the size of a softball. The estimated material in the Russian arsenal which is estimated to be released in just the next few years is 300,000 to 500,000 kg of HEU and 60,000 kg of plutonium. This is enough to make 10,000+ atomic weapons.

There are numerous problems in storing weapon components. The first is that it takes a very special storage facility to warehouse nuclear warheads and/or nuclear components. In June of 1991 Boris Yeltsin asked the U.S. for $300,000,000 to build a nuclear warehouse near Tomsk in Siberia to store more than 100,000 nuclear weapon components. The U.S. approved $15,000,000 to research such a project. Even if the U.S. were to grant such an expenditure, it will take years of study, years of engineering and when all this is finished, it would take at least five years to build. Until adequate funding is provided, much of the nuclear fuel will have to remain intact in the warheads. Secondly, it takes extremely sophisticated security measures to guard the weapon components which requires large and continuous financial burdens. The third problem is that no inventory of Russian warheads has yet been drawn up and some may be missing already. The fourth problem is that the supply of HEU, which can be turned into fissionable material for nuclear reactors is greater than the demand so warehousing must still be employed. An even greater problem is finding other uses for plutonium which few nuclear reactors can use and reprocessing it is not economical. The fifth problem is that there is not enough storage space or funding to dismantle the nuclear weapons in the ground today.

In theory 6,000 warheads are to be removed under the 1991 S.T.A.R.T. An additional 8,200 U.S. and Russian are due to be removed by 2003 based on the June Washington agreement by George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Russia could possibly dismantle up to 2500 warheads per year if they had the funding. Even at this pace it would take 10 - 20 years to dismantle or properly dispose of all the strategic and tactical nuclear weapons that Russia spent decades building. There are numerous disputes on the Russian side with the Washington agreements and the Russians are not able to shoulder any of the financial burden for destroying missile silos. Two former Soviet Republics Russia and Ukraine are in dispute over who owns the 300 ship Black Sea Navel Fleet.

U.S. intelligence analysts reported that guards at a Russian missile base abandoned their posts to try and get food. In another situation, guards left their post to go fishing because they were out of food. Col. Gen. Mikhail Kolesnikov, Chief of Staff of Russian Ground Forces, warned that disintegration of the armed forces could lead to "catastrophic consequences....not unlinked to the possibility of losing control of nuclear weaponry. In times when food and money are so scarce, people are forced to do things that they may not ordinarily do. What would you do if you and your family were literally starving and someone offered you and each person in the community all the food they could eat and $10,000 each if community members simply turned their heads while a warhead is removed and transported away? During the failed August coup, control of the launch codes for strategic nuclear weapons were in the hands of the plotter for 78 hours. Although the Russians have gone to great pains to reassure the East that nuclear command and control systems remain stable and safe, the main concern is control over its tactical nuclear weapons.

In the midst of "confused current circumstances when Russian ground forces pull back or redeploy from republics, tactical warheads could fall into the wrong hands", said retired Lt. Gen. William Odon, former head of the National Security Agency. Some 3,000 tactical nuclear weapons are stationed in republics other than Russia.

In early 1991, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell stressed to Congress that civil war in Russia represents a major threat to the United States. Gen. Powell stated "Whatever the future state may look like, the land of the Czars and Commissars, after all is said and done, will still possess by far the strongest military force on the Eurasian land mass. The Soviet Union, now and in the future will remain the one country capable of destroying the United States in less than 30 minutes."

In 1992 Soviet Foreign Minister Edward Shevardnadze stated "civil war could ignite giant stockpiles of nuclear and chemical weapons. By intent or mistake buttons can be pushed." With the downfall of the Soviet Union, many small countries are now becoming major nuclear superpowers. China, Africa, North Korea, South America, and the Middle East are all developing long range missiles. Keep in mind that it does not require long-range missiles to attack an enemy with a nuclear weapon. In fact, it doesn't require a missile at all. A small nuclear weapon can be carried and delivered in a child's day pack and left to be remotely detonated.


In June 1991, detectives in Budapest picked up a satchel filled with metal pellets they had found hidden in the pendulums of some small grandfather clocks in a Hungarian village near the Rumanian border. The Hungarian detectives breaking up what they thought was a routine smuggling ring had discovered enriched uranium pellets stolen from a Rumanian nuclear reactor.

Uranium pellets from the same reactor were found in Italy a few months after the Hungarian incident. This time the pellets were sold by another group of Hungarians. In March of 1992, two Russians were arrested in Munich for trying to sell $1.1 million of enriched uranium. The enriched uranium was shielded in lead casing in the trunk of their Mercedes. In April 1992, a shipment of hafnium was seized by Hungarian customs officials who halted a small truck from Russia. Hafnium is a material used in the nuclear industry to absorb nuclear radiation. The amount of hafnium seized was enough to supply a nuclear industry or a nuclear weapons program for several years.

In June 1992, Vienna police arrested four Hungarians, three Czechoslovakians and an Austrian as they were about to sell three pounds of weapons grade plutonium to an Austrian middleman. The next day, a smuggling ring of people employed in the nuclear industry was smashed by Rumanian police.

Western specialists believe that 20 to 30 percent of the former Soviet Union nuclear weapon scientists are accepting positions in nuclear weapon production facilities. "Over the next decade or two we almost inevitably expect some of them to disappear to undesired locations." said Harold Muller, a German nonproliferation specialist and director of studies at the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt.

The agency designed to be the nuclear policeman, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, is virtually helpless. It has no international authority or budget to enforce anything. "The IAEA has proved itself a worthless organization", said Kenneth Timmerman, a Middle East arms specialist who is completing a study of nuclear proliferation. "They proved that in Iraq. They are proving it again in their inspections of Iran. They are a toothless watchdog."

More than 60 scientists and engineers with nuclear weapon experience and expertise in the former Soviet Union have vanished into the third world. India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, and Brazil have made job offers to unemployed nuclear and chemical weapon experts at salaries from $36,000 to $75,000/yr plus free housing and servants. It is doubtful that they have been hired to work on refrigerators.

U.S. intelligence has said that it is no longer inconceivable that a Russian general, with access to battlefield nuclear weapons, could requisition a transport and fly a few such weapons to Libya where he would presumably collect several million dollars before flying to Brazil to a comfortable retirement. The U.S. Department Of Defense is taking the situation very seriously since it is soliciting 1300 defense grants for nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons research.

A travel agent, Ernest Schliemann from the western German city of Bielefeld, received an offer from a Russian who wanted to set up a trading company selling foodstuffs. Schliemann asked the Russian to FAX over a list. Although Schliemann had only a layperson's knowledge of the nuclear weapons industry, heavy water, strontium, and enriched weapons grade plutonium did catch his attention on the FAX list of items for sale. This type of offer to Schliemann represents the front edge of what many say is the greatest danger to the entire world

posted by TIBBY at 8:07 AM

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